Hello Forum,
I have a problem with conflicting libraries. Anyone who knows how I can overcome this.
I have two interrupts; one to wake the ATMEGA328 and the other to retrieve data from a sensor register. I want to use pin 9 for interrupt. I get below error message when I run the code.
Here is the code I am using, libraries attached.
#include "PinChangeInt.h"
#include <SPI.h>
#include "AS3935n.h"
#include <avr/sleep.h>
#include "<PinChangeInt.h>"
SoftwareSerial mySerial(8, 7); //RX, TX
String inputString = "";
bool stringComplete = false;
char time1[30];
unsigned long beit; //Stores bytes from AS3935 registers
unsigned long strokeEnergy; //Stores stroke energy from AS3935 registers
#define ARDUINOPIN 9 // Maps to ATmega328 pin15, connected to IRQ Thunder click
void printAS3935Registers();
// Function that provides SPI transfer and is passed to
// AS3935 to be used from within library.
byte SPItransfer(byte sendByte);
// Iterrupt handler for AS3935 irqs
// and flag variable that indicates interrupt has been triggered
volatile int AS3935IrqTriggered;
void AS3935Irq()// Used when
// 1. Controller wakes up from sleep
//2. When there is lightning strike and there is lightning strike.
sleep_disable(); // first thing after waking from sleep: // disable sleep...
detachInterrupt(ARDUINOPIN); // wakeUpNow code will not be executed. WAKE UP NOW will not be executed during normal running time
AS3935IrqTriggered = true;
// First parameter - SPI transfer function, second - Arduino pin used for CS
// and finally third argument - Arduino pin used for IRQ
// Library internally polls this pin when doing calibration, so being an interrupt pin
// is not a requirement
AS3935 AS3935(SPItransfer,SS,ARDUINOPIN); // Here, ARDUINOPIN is not yet associated with an IRQ,
int count = 0;
char str[30];
void setup()
// first begin, then set parameters
// NB! chip uses SPI MODE1
// NB! max SPI clock speed that chip supports is 2MHz,
// but never use 500kHz, because that will cause interference
// to lightning detection circuit
// and chip is MSB first
// reset all internal register values to defaults
// and run calibration
// if lightning detector can not tune tank circuit to required tolerance,
// calibration function will return false
Serial.println("Tuning out of range, check your wiring, your sensor and make sure physics laws have not changed!");
AS3935IrqTriggered = 0;
attachPinChangeInterrupt(ARDUINOPIN, AS3935Irq, RISING);
//attachInterrupt(ARDUINOPIN, AS3935Irq, RISING);
beit=256ul; //Forces beit to be unsigned long integer
// set the data rate for the SoftwareSerial port
//mySerial.println("Hello, world?");
// reserve 200 bytes for the inputString:
void loop()
Wakeloop(); // We check whether ATMEGA328 needs to be asleep or awake
// reset the flag
AS3935IrqTriggered = 0;
// first step is to find out what caused interrupt
// as soon as we read interrupt cause register, irq pin goes low
int irqSource = AS3935.interruptSource();
// returned value is bitmap field, bit 0 - noise level too high, bit 2 - disturber detected, and finally bit 3 - lightning!
if (irqSource & 0b0001)
Serial.println("Noise level too high, try adjusting noise floor");
Serial.println("Entering Sleep Mode ");
if (irqSource & 0b1000) //Original code to select only valid lightning events
// need to find how far that lightning stroke, function returns approximate distance in kilometers,
//ke where value 1 represents storm in detector's near victinity, and 63 - very distant, out of range stroke
// everything in between is just distance in kilometers
int strokeDistance = AS3935.lightningDistanceKm();
if (strokeDistance == 1)
Serial.println("Storm overhead, watch out!");
if (strokeDistance == 63)
Serial.println("Out of range lightning detected.");
if (strokeDistance < 63 && strokeDistance > 1)
Serial.print("Lightning detected ");
Serial.println(" kilometers away.");
byte strokeEnergyB0 = AS3935.registerRead(0x06, 31);
byte strokeEnergyB1 = AS3935.registerRead(0x05, 255);
byte strokeEnergyB2 = AS3935.registerRead(0x04, 255);
unsigned long strokeEnergy = beit*beit*strokeEnergyB0 + beit*strokeEnergyB1 + strokeEnergyB2;
itoa(strokeDistance, str, 10); //Turn value into a character array
itoa(strokeEnergy, str, 10);
//itoa(strokeEnergy, str, 10);
function to send data via SD12 will be here
Parameters to be sent
1. Stroke Distance
2. StrokeEnergy
3. GPS timestamp
4. Latitude and Longitude (from GPS)
void printAS3935Registers()
int noiseFloor = AS3935.getNoiseFloor();
int spikeRejection = AS3935.getSpikeRejection();
int watchdogThreshold = AS3935.getWatchdogThreshold();
Serial.print("Noise floor is: ");
Serial.print("Spike rejection is: ");
Serial.print("Watchdog threshold is: ");
// this is implementation of SPI transfer that gets passed to AS3935
// you can (hopefully) wrap any SPI implementation in this
byte SPItransfer(byte sendByte)
return SPI.transfer(sendByte);
void sleepNow()
attachInterrupt(ARDUINOPIN, AS3935Irq, RISING);
attachPinChangeInterrupt(ARDUINOPIN, AS3935Irq, RISING);
void Wakeloop()
if (count >= 100000){
Serial.println("Timer: Entering Sleep mode");
count = 0;
and here is the error I get
libraries/SoftwareSerial/SoftwareSerial.cpp.o (symbol from plugin): In function `SoftwareSerial::read()':
(.text+0x0): multiple definition of `__vector_3'
sketch/AS3935.ino.cpp.o (symbol from plugin):(.text+0x0): first defined here
libraries/SoftwareSerial/SoftwareSerial.cpp.o (symbol from plugin): In function `SoftwareSerial::read()':
(.text+0x0): multiple definition of `__vector_5'
sketch/AS3935.ino.cpp.o (symbol from plugin):(.text+0x0): first defined here
libraries/SoftwareSerial/SoftwareSerial.cpp.o (symbol from plugin): In function `SoftwareSerial::read()':
(.text+0x0): multiple definition of `__vector_4'
sketch/AS3935.ino.cpp.o (symbol from plugin):(.text+0x0): first defined here
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
exit status 1
Error compiling for board Arduino/Genuino Uno.
AS3935.ino (14 KB)
PinChangeInt.h (21.9 KB)
AS3935n.cpp (4.88 KB)
AS3935n.h (2.47 KB)