First Sorry for my english ^^
I have 3 LV Sonar EZ0 that i want to connect to my arduino Mega.
I connected them in Daisy Chaining with Constantly Looping (like this:http://www.maxbotix.com/documents/LV_Chaining_Constantly_Looping_AN_Out.pdf), but it didn't work.
I connected the RX Pin of the first sensor to +5V and the BW pin of all sensors to +5V too.
Here is my code:
int c1, c2, c3, Min;
void loop(){
c1 = (int) analogRead(A0)/0.7874; //Convert the readed value in Cm. It works!
c2 = (int) analogRead(A1)/0.7874;
c3 = (int) analogRead(A2)/0.7874;
//Check the minimum value
if(Min > c2) Min=c2;
if(Min > c3) Min=c3;
The value varied on each measure while the sensor dosn't mouve.
I don't know what is the problem, please help.