Connect arduino to a mcq test on pc

Hey guys, I want to make a mcq test on pc and connect the test result to arduino to take actions depending on the test result so wondering how to do that??

Your project is like a chain that has many links. Which link is the one You need help with?

For example, I made a quiz. I wanna know how can i let arduino check the result of that quiz ?

So all hardware questions are solved and clear? In that case other helpers need to join in.

Yes, it's a software problem and it seems to be easy but I can't get it

What kind of software is the trouble? Is the communication from Pc to Arduino ready and working?

The communication between pc and arduino is working good but the problem is that how can I make arduino read the final result of the quiz?

to be more clear, I want arduino to take data from an excel sheet.

to be more clear, I want arduino to take data from an excel sheet.

A common solution is to use PLX-DAQ

could u tell me how to use that to take info from excel ?

Sorry, I've never used it. All I know is that it often comes up when this subject is mentioned. I'll bet a little searching will find you some examples though.

to be more clear, I want arduino to take data from an excel sheet.

The more typical problem is to take date from arduino and import to excel and that is where PLX-DAQ is used.

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how can I make arduino read the final result of the quiz?

What is the final result you are trying to export to the Arduino. Do you have an example?

The more typical problem is to take date from arduino and import to excel and that is where PLX-DAQ is used.

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Sending data from excel to arduino - IDE 1.x - Arduino Forum

What is the final result you are trying to export to the Arduino. Do you have an example?

Thank u. I want to export a cell in an excel sheet which contains a number the number is the total result degree of a quiz or something like that. I don't have the model right now :frowning:

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