Connect arduino UNO with a Motor Driver(TB6612FNG)

Hello there, I would really like some help connecting my Arduino UNO with a motorcontroller (, DC motor and a battery.

Can someone please tell me where to connect the different components?

Sorry for not getting back before now. But I've havn't had the time to really make sure I was doing everything right.

I found your reply very clear, but for some reason I can't get it working.

Here's a picture of the setup:

I have connected everything as you said, and the yellow and red LED shows that the power sources are working.

The current status is PWMA: High, AIN1: HIGH, AIN2: LOW, STBY: HIGH, but AO1 and AO2 doesn't output anything. (everything is measured with a multimeter.

Any idea what could be wrong?

I've updated the image of the setup here:
EDIT: close up:

Here's the code for the arduino. It's very simple and bolied down to the basics.

#define AIN1 7
#define AIN2 8
#define PWMA 3

void setup()
  pinMode(AIN1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(AIN2, OUTPUT); 
  pinMode(PWMA, OUTPUT); 
  digitalWrite(AIN1, LOW);
  digitalWrite(PWMA, HIGH);

void loop()


I do not have a motor connected because it thougt it would be easier to debug without. AO1 and AO2 are just loose, and then I use my multimeter to measure if there is any output.

thank you very much for your feedback.

I've never tried making a circuit scematic diagram before, but here's my first attempt. I'll try unclutter as much as I can.

I know that it looks like some wires are connected, but unless theres a yellow dot they are not.