how to makes its work , i didnt know how to connect the arduino with tera term or phone via bluetooth
You need to set Teraterm up to use the same virtual COM port as the Arduino and to use the same baud rate, start/stop bits and parity then you can communicate between the Teraterm and the Arduino in the same way as you use the Serial monitor.
To connect to a 'phone the simplest way is to use a soft serial port on the Arduino to communicate with a Bluetooth module that then communicates with the 'phone. To the Arduino it will appear as a serial port.
it didnt work
What didn't work ?
Details please.
it cant connect to the tera term. my ct uno also does not work when it didnt connect to the pc via usb
Forget using Teraterm for now and get your Uno working with the Serial monitor.
Upload this to the Uno, open the Serial monitor and make sure that the baud rate is set to 9600 at the bottom right.
void setup()
Serial.println("Hello World");
void loop()
Does this fail at any point ?
Do you see anything in the Serial monitor window ?
Have you got the correct port selected in Tools/Port in the IDE
Have you got the correct board type selected in Tools/Board in the IDE