Hi everyone,
since hours I am trying to make the CC1101 IR transreceiver on the Wemos S2 Mini.
I already got everything running on my ESP8266 NodeMCU. I just rewired it to make sure the CC1101 is working. I am using the same codebase (except switching the PINs) and it is working fine, so it must be something with the wiring.
CC1101 is using MISO, MOSI, SCK, SS pins and the SDA/SCL pins.
According to the schematics and to the serial output the
pins should be SCK:7, MISO:9, MOSI:11, SS:12
SDA and SCL should be pin 33 and 35.
I wired everything up, but still it is not working.
Overall I find it really hard because usually with the NodeMCU there are lots of complete pinouts and for the Wemos S2 Mini it is more or less just "Pin 1-40".
Maybe one of you has a hint into the right direction.
I already spent so many hours on this and I got absolutely no clue what else it could be.
I tried several combinations of pins but without any success.
So I guess this is a pretty S2 Mini specific question.
Thank you very much!
Oh and if it is of any help:
I use ELECHOUSE_cc1101 library and ELECHOUSE_cc1101.getCC1101() does not return true for the Wemos S2 Mini