Hi guys,
I have to create this small project and not sure if I can achieve it with Arduino, but looks like it.
First of all I need to display whatever is in my cell phone into a OLED or LCD display (please let me know if there is something better than this kind of screens) sending the info via Bluetooth, so there's many questions that came up to my mind with this project:
1- What would be the advantage of using Arduino for this project?
2- Do I need a battery for the LCD/OLED display or is it embedded in arduino?
3- If so how would be connected?
4- Is there any way to use the cell phone battery?
5- What would be the cost of the project?
6- Since I need to wrap up the display/arduino in one piece, is there any case available for arduino?
I will handle the software part developing an app for Android/iPhone to make this possible but obviously the electronic part is not my forte 
Please if anybody could help me I would appreciate it.
Thanks in advance
Thank you very much for your fast response,
Why would I need a microprocessor for this since I have the one from the cell phone? Remember I will have an app running in the phone.
Is there any manual guide or something that could help me to accomplish this task using the components you just named?
Can we make an example using these components to have an approximate cost?
I found the OLED display in eBay for instance but how much would be using the arduino components?
Thanks again
If I understand your post, the cell phone will send data (perhaps what is currently displayed on the cell phone screen) via Bluetooth for the display to show.
A microprocessor is absolutely required to read the Bluetooth signal and send the data in the correct format to the display. Both the Bluetooth receiver and the display are very stupid devices.
This is not at all an Arduino beginner project.
Yep, you are absolutely right we need the microprocessor, we need to show whatever we want is running on the cell phone Like youtube, WhatsApp, etc.
So, please correct me if I'm wrong, I would need a motherboard/microprocessor (Arduino), Bluetooth receiver, Battery and cables? To make a prototype
From Software perspective:
Could I install an operating system like Android for instance or it has to be Arduino's OS?
Again, Thank you very much for the response.
The standard Arduino has no OS, and it has a very small amount of random access memory (about 4000 bytes), so it is not useful for storing or manipulating images.
However it can readily be programmed to handle commands and data from Bluetooth and sequentially send small chunks of information to a display. Take a look at the displays and tutorials on the Adafruit web site.
We recommend that beginners buy a standard Arduino and work through the on-line tutorials and simple examples that come with the programming software, to learn the language and special features of the Arduino.