Connect display with arduino (2m)

Hi I have 7" tft display, TFT shield v2.2 for Arduino Mega and Arduino Mega. I need have arduino on another place like display. Distance between arduino and display is 2m. How i can connect this display with arduino and use as little as possible wires. Because 40 pin wire is too much. I try use 2x Arduino Mega and communicate with UART but I need share maybe 20 variables and this is too slow I have ping maybe 2-3s and it is too much.


Anybody have idea ? please

Hi, you mentioned ~20 variables. Assuming the largest datatype available for Mega (4 bytes), that is still only 80 bytes, which could be transferred via UART in about 80ms even with the oldschool 9600 baud.

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It takes you 3 seconds to transfer 20 variables over the serial port ?

Why didn't you take displays with another interface such as SPI? Or maybe Nextion displays.

That's the transfer time? This is strange. Maybe something is wrong with your program.

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