Is it possible to connect OV7675 camera to Nano RP2040 connect?
I tried to run OV767X - Camera Test example but I get this error
WARNING: library Arduino_OV767X claims to run on mbed architecture(s) and may be incompatible with your current board which runs on mbed_nano architecture(s).
C:\Users\xxx\Documents\Arduino\libraries\Arduino_OV767X\src\OV767X.cpp: In member function 'int OV767X::begin(int, int, int)':
C:\Users\xxx\Documents\Arduino\libraries\Arduino_OV767X\src\OV767X.cpp:18:43: error: 'NRF_P0' was not declared in this scope #define portInputRegister(P) ((P == 0) ? &NRF_P0->IN : &NRF_P1->IN)
Hi @norahb. I found an official response to a similar question which makes me think the outlook is not so good for using the "Arduino_OV767X" library with the Nano RP2040 Connect board:
this library was specifically designed for the Arduino Nano 33 BLE / BLE Sense
The camera needs a clock source and we are currently generating that using a pin. Currently that part of the code is highly dependent on the Nano 33 BLE.
I would recommend looking around for another library that supports the OV7675. Maybe you will find a 3rd party library that works with the Nano RP2040 Connect.
You might start with a search in the Arduino Library Manager. Those libraries tend to be the highest quality since it takes some effort for the maintainers to submit them to the Library Manager, and they are also the easiest to install.
I spent weeks searching for support for an OV7670 and the only thing I found was How to Use OV7670 Camera Module with Arduino Uno which is for a UNO. It is posted on several different sites.
I bought a DUE board to get around the 3.3V issue with the camera but haven't been well enough to follow through yet
mick in glen innes 2370
The "converter" circuit should do the voltage conversion but my eyes are getting too old to see and solder it together, so I went with the Due instead of the MEGA I was going to use, my project is (Arduino controlled photogrammetry 3D-scanner by Bribro12 - Thingiverse) with a camera (OV7670 or OV2640) and SD storage.
mick in glen innes 2370