Connect Nokia Phone to Arduino with FBus cable

Hello, i would like to interface those two elements. I have been reading a lot about, and i have seen converters from FBus to RS232 and Arduino serial (ttl) to RS232, but I think that I can directly connect those two components as both uses ttl voltages (AFAIK).
Here is some information on the Pop-port of the nokia h t t p ://
(Sorry, I cant post url's)

So the idea is to connect directly the TX and RX from the phone to RX and TX from the Arduino board (Diecimila) but I think that something else should be connected (Ground?).

I would appreciate some light on this.


I don't know whether the Nokia FBus is actually an async serial interface: you need to do some more googling to verify that.

Also, note that the page you referenced says that those pins are used for USB on some models, so your phone may not even have FBus.

Finally, there's a good possibility that the phone uses 3.3V logic that is not 5V-tolerant: some people have reported zapping their recycled cellphone displays by driving them with 5V logic signals. So you may need to add some interface circuitry to prevent that.
