Connect to Arduino multiplexer CD74HC4067 adafruit max31856 +Type T Termocouple

Hi all, sorry if I'm disturbing all with this project, maybe it's easy, but unfortunately for me is becoming really super complicated, I'm doing a project where I have to detect the difference of the temperature in the environment using thermocouple Type-T, I need to put 8 thermocouple so I bought also a multiplexer cd74hc4067 with 16 channels, in order to connect every thermocouple with multiplexer, and to connect the Multiplexer to Arduino Mega 2560 I'm using an Adafruit Max31856, unfortunately my problem is that I don't know how to connect everything, I'm not finding any tutorial or any help, is my first project and I should do for my mom, in the final project I wanna switch-on an heater when the temperature decrease a lot.
But starting someone could help to connect Max31856 with Multiplexer and Arduino?

Thank you so much to everyone.

There is some stuff out there that might get you started.