Have you verified with the I2C Scanner that they have different I2C addresses and that they are 0x55 and 0x58 ?
Do you have the 5V version of the sensor and use 5V power and a 5V I2C bus ?
Do you have the 3.3V version of the sensor and use 3.3V power and a 3.3V I2C bus ?
What about pullup resistors for the I2C bus ?
Adafruit has made a normal class for the library. It can be used a number of times, there should be no conflict.
If I remember it well, the MLX90614 was not fully according to the I2C standard.
You could try to get the temperature and wait 1 second, get the temperature from the other and wait again 1 second.
Wrong. The code does work. It does exactly what it is supposed to do. While that most likely does not align with OPs expectations, all that that means is that OPs expectations are wrong.
could you please indicate me how did you connected boths? I need to connect 4 sensor and I am wondering which pins are adequate to be used as SCL and SCA for each one. In other words how do I define pins as SCL and SCA for different sensors?
I am just a beginner and I apologize if it is a silly question.
Best regards