Hi there,
i have an USB GPS interface here wich shows up as a serial device in the OS. Is it somehow possible to use the serial data directly in an arduino or ESP32?
i have read somewhere that pin 18 / 19 an be least on the ESP32 used for that. (USB D+ and D-)
any guidance on that would be awesome!
Thanks a lot!
PS.: The chip on the USB Stick is a UBX-G7020 wich does in fact have a uart too. but sadly it does not seem to be soldered on the stick. so no luck for me here - since i dont have any iron wich can solder stuff like this.
Well the pins are there, but the picture does not provide enough detail to see if it could be an option to tap in there.
Pins 18 & 19 (AKA PIO6 & 7) are on the opposite side of the chip. There may be something connected to those pins ?
The problem is that it is a USB device, and yes there are ESP32 versions that are also a USB device ( the ESPC3 of the top of my head, but down pin me down on it) Unfortunately you can not just connect 2 USB devices to each other.
Show a picture of the side where the UART is on, that is your best bet.
Right. And the ESP32 versions that don't have native USB instead have a UART <--> USB converter chip (SiLabs or other) that also presents as a USB device (Endpoint?).