Connect wixel wireless transceiver without wixel shield HELP

Please tell me if this would work.

What I want to do is be able to transfer readings that I get from a flex sensor on an arduino uno r3 which will be connected to a wixel wireless transceiver and transmit it to a wixel connected to an arduino uno r3 where it will read the values and know how fast to turn a motor.

Here is the catch I want to connect the wixel to the arduinos without the shield, mainly for financial purposes, this is how I will connect it:

Wixel GND pin -----> Arduino GND pin
Wixel VIN pin -----> Arduino 5V pin
Wixel TX pin P1_6 -----> Arduino RX
Wixel RX pinP1_7 ------> Arduino TX

Also I would like to know if I could make those connections on the fio so that I could replace one uno board, and would the wixel work connected to the 3V3 pin of the fio?

If it is possible but not how I planned it please inform me as to what changes must be made.


I found a link for how to connect the wixel without the shield, if you need it here it is: