Connecting 3 arduino nano esp 32 via bluetooth

Hi, I'm trying to connect 3 arduino device via bluetooth, but with no result at the moment. I'm new to bluetooth connection so I might do things in a wrong way, but I need to connect the arduino for a personal project.

For now I'm just doing a test sending a message from arduino 1 to the second and then the second has to send another message to the third and then the third again to the first and will start again.

I'm using three different arduino nano esp 32 with bluetooth integrated.
Someone could help??

Your question does not sound like you have a problem with IDE 1.x. Hence it has been moved to a more suitable location on the forum.

Mod edit:
I hope it's obvious but just in case it's not the following is obviously AI generated and should be used with cation. Left in place because there's no spam and because it look correct. Whether it's useful I leave the reader to judge.

To connect three Arduino Nano ESP32 devices via Bluetooth, you'll need to set up a communication protocol using Bluetooth Classic or BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy). Here's a general approach:

  1. Pair and connect the devices: Ensure each Arduino is paired with the others. For Bluetooth Classic, one device can act as the master (Arduino 1) and the others as slaves (Arduino 2 and 3).
  2. Send and receive messages: Use the BluetoothSerial library to establish a serial connection. Arduino 1 sends data to Arduino 2, which forwards it to Arduino 3, and so on.
  3. Code structure:
  • On each device, write functions to send and receive messages via Bluetooth.
  • Use unique identifiers to distinguish which device the message is coming from and where it should be forwarded.

If you're using Bluetooth Classic, here’s a sample setup for Arduino 1 as the master:


Copy code

#include "BluetoothSerial.h"

BluetoothSerial SerialBT;

void setup() {
  SerialBT.begin("ESP32_1");  // Name for Arduino 1

void loop() {
  if (SerialBT.available()) {
    String received = SerialBT.readString();
    Serial.println("Received: " + received);
    // Process and send to Arduino 2
  SerialBT.println("Message to Arduino 2");

Repeat a similar process on Arduinos 2 and 3, adjusting the role as necessary.