connecting a ds2482-800 to arduino

hello friends,

i'm very new to this forum, and to electronics in general, and i'm pretty sure my question will denote that :wink: .
my wish was to call 1-wire sensors through a ds2482-800 master from an arduino, for a prospective application.
after browsing a lot of documents (with limited understanding, as you may presume), i came to the conclusion that the ds2482-800 is self-contained (including strong pullup) for any applications, and my way to connect it from arduino is a software serial (as i wish to use a cellular shield that will take up my real one) and power. of course i'd use a pcb to give it a professional allure :wink: .
would you please correct me if i'm wrong? any other feedback will be more than welcome.

best regards,

Actually, you would not rely on SoftSerial. This is an I2C device and it would use the WIRE library. (analog pins 4 and 5 as I2C pins )

Lookup I2C in the "playground".

thanks a lot. i'll look there.
but do i need anything more, like pullup resistors etc?

yes, i see the ds2482 solution requires i2c, just thought i2c is serial.
since the analog pins are being masked by the cellular shield, i'm again considering using a virtual serial port with ds9097u-s09, which is an 1-wire serial port master adapter.

do you think it's feasible?
an alternative might be the link45/linkoem serial master adapter from ibuttonlink.

just thought i2c is serial

It is, but not at all like the Serial or SoftwareSerial which are both slower isochronous standards

9097U is great. I use one on my PC to attach my weather station.

How well you can get it working with Arduino though is another story. I tried a few times to wrap my head around the wacky DALLAS 1-wire interface examples for the serial device and decided it was just easier to talk to the one-wire bus directly with an Arduino I/O Pin.

ok, i understand the way to go is the direct one.
though i'd also try the mainroad.