Connecting a joystick with arduino using WIFI

I am trying to build a joystick-controlled robot with an Arduino UNO and i wanted to connect Rapsberry pi wireless joystick to arduino uno using wifi.

So far i have found two possible ways to connect to it ,

  • Use a wifi module to connect to but i dont know if this will work.

  • Is it possible to use ARDUINO WIFI REV 2 Board to connect to the joystick with the onboard wifi module ?

Please feel free to provide any alternatives.

It has a USB receiver dongle. You would almost certainly have to use that. So you need something with a USB host port. The Arduino doesn't have one, but there are USB host shields.

What is your experience level? This one is "pro" level.

I assume you mean USB HOST SHIELD like this one from sparkfun should i use this with a wifi module to connect to the joystick ?

I told you, for wireless connectivity, it uses a dongle. Hacking the RF interface is a "pro plus" level task.

You sound too confused to make this work.

I apologize for any misunderstandings, can you explain in steps what i should do ? i am not a pro. if there are any alternatives i am open to those suggestions as well.

Start by investigating the capabilities of libaries that support the USB host shield. You need to know whether any of them support a joystick.

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