I was working on a project that involved the connection of a digital pressure sensor with a LCD and Arduino board.
The LCD model is 1602 16x2 Character LCD Display Module HD44780 Controller Blue/Green screen blacklight LCD1602 LCD monitor 1602 5V.
The Arduino Board I am using is Arduino UNO R3 Compatible Atmega328P Board.
These are the details of the pressure sensor:
Company Name: Mouser Electronics
Mouser P/N: 785-SSCDRRN005PD2A3
Description: DIP, Dual Rad Barbed Honeywell Board Mount Pressure Sensor, Digital Output, I2C transmission, address 0x28, pressure +5psi to -5psi
I tried using the following website as well for the code for the pressure sensor but it doesn't work for some reason. I kept the connections and the code the same as on the website:
If someone could write out the code I would be highly grateful. Thank you!
P.S. I have also tried attaching the data sheet for the sensor for further review but it doesn't upload because the file is too big. Therefore, I am attaching a link to the pdf of the data sheet for my ssc sensor. It is as follows:
The only difference that I made in my setup was that I used a 3.3V step-down converter with a Vin+, Vin-, Vout-, Vout+ instead of a 3V3 Regulator. I have attached the pictures of my setup as well. Does using a 3.3V step-down converter instead of a 3V3 Regulator work? I read it somewhere that a 3.3V Step-down converter can be used instead of a 3V3 Regulator. I attached Vin+ to pin 8, Vin- to ground, Vout+ to the Vin of the pressure sensor and Vout- to ground.