Connecting a stepper to Arduino via ULN2003


as a total newbie I found this thread

and try to apply the solution with my Arduino Duemillanove and a unipolar stepper Teco 4H4018S2015 from my old scanner. I was glad to find the stepper's datasheet with the wiring diagram on the manufacturer's website:

However, I don't know how to connect the stepper to the ULN2003 and would therefore appreciate your help.

Kind regards


A quick google search yielded this site:

The second picture on there shows pretty much exactly what you need to do. You are going to have to adapt the wiring colors to your motor. On the left side replace the IBM-PC with Arduino.

That should get you pretty close.


you can connect the wire BRO and Pin 9 of the ULN2003 to +12V and the wires WHT, RED, BLU and YEL each to an output of the 2003. Pin 8 of the LN2003 must be connected to GND. See also here:

But normally a stepper motor need a constant-current driver for proper operation, not a constant voltage. The motor will be weak especially at higher stepping rates.


Daft question !!!

whats BRO is that Brown ?

from the one i`ve got which as

( black , red , brown ) and ( yellow , red , orange )

So I take it that red is centre tap ?


thanks for your answers! It works pretty well now! :slight_smile:

Daft question !!!

For someone who is familiar with electronics: probably yes! For a beginner like me: no!

Kind Regards


Sorry the daft question is my ASKING IT.

I`m asking is BRO Brown ?

electronics is like computers , a person who know all about computer hardware and software is called a liar.

Electronics is too big to be a know it all, that what's so good about it.


sorry for my misunderstanding. BRO means brown.

Kind regards
