Connecting Arduino due to a GPS sensor

I want to read the data from this gps-sensor
and want to print this on my serial monitor. The sensor is connected via the serial1 ports (pin18-tx1 pin19-rx1).

I have never worked with hardware or Arduino before, so I want to ask following question.
RX is recieving data and TX is transmitting data. Do I have to connect the RX1 port of the Arduino with the TX port of the GPS sensor and the TX1 port (Arduino) with the RX of the sensor?
Or RX1 with RX and TX1 with TX?

Thanks for your answers.

TX from gps to RX on Arduino
(the other line isnt important)
Serial.begin(fastspeed); // to connect serial monitor
Seial1.begin(4800/9600 or..) to connect to correct gps_port.
Now dump data from gps to serial with

while (serial1.available()) serial.print(;

Ok, thanks.
The problem is fixed