Connecting Due to ESC for motor control

I am new to this thread as I have just got my Due recently. I want to know if it is possible to connect the Arduino Due to an ESC for brushless motor control. I am asking this because I am not sure if the 3.3V output makes a difference to the ESC

Use a 74HCTxx series gate to interface - HCT family is powered at 5V but has
old TTL logic thresholds of 0.8 and 2.4V so it can be reliably driven from 3.3V

I'd also add a 4k7 resistor between Due output and the external HCT gate as
rudimentary protection.

If you want to interface signals the other way, 74LCX family is powered at 3.3V
and tolerates 5V inputs. I think its LCX...