Connecting Memosens to arduino


I got a Endress+Hauser pH probe. The probe has contactless connection (magnetic coupling). The connector has 4 wires +,-,ComA,ComB. Does anyone have any experience with this protocol? It is possible to buy a converter. But that is for last resort :slight_smile:

With those signal names, it could be several different schemes. We would need a link to the data sheet to offer suggestions.

Can't find anything regarding the protocol itself. I think its RS485. Only installation manuals an those sorts of things are available. I thought someone here already tried something.

The connector is MEMOSENS CYK10

The only thing I see in the second link is one reference to RS-485. My suggestion would be to get a USB/RS485 adapter and monitor the output with a terminal program. By trying various settings, you might get an idea on what settings it needs and data it sends.

Thank you for your reply. I will get a usb/485 adapter and try something :slight_smile:

Tady, did you solve your problem with Memosens protocol? Could you transfer any data with USB/485 adapter? I am trying to connect free chlorine sensor with Memosens technology, but I also don't want to use some converter. Please reply. Thanks!