Connecting multiple inputs for FSR and type of bluetooth


I would like to make a 16 X 16 grid of FSRs connected to an Arduino, and be able to map the amount of pressure to an Android via Bluetooth. The outputs of the FSRs need to be analog

I have two questions:

  1. What bluetooth transmitter should I be using in order for the Arduino to send the data to the Android, and the Android must be able to tell the Arduino to "sleep"?

  2. I'm wanting to do about 256 sensors in total, which means I need 256 inputs for my Arduino. Is this realistic? I could do a 10X10 grid instead with only 100 sensors total, but I still run into the same problem. Any ideas on how to still get a reliable analog input from the sensors, even with the possibility of daisy chaining multiplexers?

I'm new to this sort of thing so any help would be appreciated :slight_smile:

What FSR?

and the Android must be able to tell the Arduino to "sleep"?

And what tells it to wake up?

Any ideas on how to still get a reliable analog input from the sensors, even with the possibility of daisy chaining multiplexers

Not daisy chaining but cascading should do it.

Is this realistic?


Have you read this?

Bank of 32, 8-input ADCs:
Analog to Digital Converters (ADC) | Data Acquisition | Electronic Components Distributor DigiKey]
Couple of shift registers to create the chip select signals.
10x faster sampling than you will see with analogRead, and more accurate results with not having to go thru multiple series resistances of analog switches.

Or use 16 16:1 analog switches feeding into 2 8-channel ADCs

Fewer chips, lower cost, still have to deal with series resistance of the switch, but retain benefit of faster ADC conversion speeds.