Connecting one ultrasonic sensor and BT HC-05 module on motor shield


I'm totally new to this field and I'm working on a kick starter project for my thesis. For this project i need to connect two DC motors, one servo motor, one ping Ultrasonic sensor and one BT HC-05 module to the motor shield. I have connected the motor shield to Arduino UNO R3.

My plan is to connect the pins as following-

Pin device
A0-A5 Ping Ultrasonic sensor
3, 5 Two DC motors
9 one servo motor
10,11 BT-HC05 TXD, RXD respectively

Now, would it be okay if I connect like this? if not could anyone suggest me a workaround and guide me.

Thanks a lot in advance.

What ping sensor do you have that's using 6 analog pins? Or is that just the general area were you're going to wire it into?

You said you were using a motor shield, which one do you have? Because I'm unfamiliar with that shield if, Tx and Rx on pins 10 and 11.

It's just the general area where I want to connect the sensor.

Adafruit motor shield L293d - Arduino Playground - AdafruitMotorShield

Ok, so you have the standard Adafruit motor shield, TX/RX are on pin 1 & 0, not 10 & 11.
That shield should come with a few good example sketches that you may want to look into. Check the Arduino playground, and Adafruit tutorials to learn how to use it.