Our MESA group is making a prototype that when the temperature gets too high or too cold, there is an alert. As well there is an alert if the prototype is too far away from a certain object.
Our alert is just flashing colors and sound, however we want a way that we can connect it to a bluetooth device which then connects to a phone.
In the end, we would like for the alert to pop up on the phone.
We are using a red board Arduino.
Our question:
What can we connect to our Arduino Red Board that would give it the capabilities to connect to a device via bluetooth? And how could we connect it? We want the arduino to send alerts to the phone.
Some sites suggested a BLE- Shield. Would this work?
God only knows what a red board is but, if it's an Arduino, it should have pins that can be used for serial communication just like any other coloured Arduino, and any Bluetooth can be connected to them. Your real problem is the viability of this exercise, and I suspect that Bluetooth is the last choice for a phone alert, indeed, I submit that it is fundamentally unsuitable or, at best, a seriously misconceived idea, born of a lack of real need.
So, if you you just doing this for the intellectual exercise, any cheapo bluetooth can be used to communicate with the phone, provided the phone is on and has the receiving app running. Note that BT2 devices, like the popular HC-05 only work with Android. A BLE device works with both Android and IOS, but I believe it is harder to use.