Is anything wrong with the circuit?
The 12V is a car battery so that fluctuates.
Is this some kind of a joke?
I'm sorry I just wanted to get your views. i am not very familiar with volatage regulator.
Nor with connecting grounds, I see.
Yes, very wrong. There is no common ground.
yeah that how they connect voltage regulators. I was just confused about the capacitors.
Could you correct this?
Please look at this.
Oh sorry I got it , got it. Sorry that was a mistake.
Thanks @kolaha kolaha
Is there anything wrong with giving same capacitors on input and output side
You might have trouble with (just) electrolytic capacitors. Electrolytic capacitors don't "act like" capacitors at high frequencies. (If the regulator goes unstable and oscillates, it will probably happen in the MHz range.)
The datasheet I looked at shows a 0.33uF capacitor on the input and a 0.1uF capacitor on the output.
Sometimes you'll see an electrolytic (maybe for "filtering") with a ceramic capacitor in parallel to "take over" at higher frequencies.
It is a very good idea to follow the manufacturer's recommendations.
Your modifications to the recommended circuit may not work as well, and some training and experience is required to understand why not.
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