Connecting sim800l module to Azure IoT Hub

i am try to connect my sim800l to azure MQTT but not connect broker( help me for same

15:44:32.934 -> [14090] ### TinyGSM Version: 0.11.5
15:44:32.934 -> [14090] ### TinyGSM Compiled Module: TinyGsmClientSIM800
15:44:33.253 -> [14407] ### Modem: SIMCOM SIM800L
15:44:33.253 -> [14407] ### Modem: SIMCOM SIM800L
15:44:35.261 -> Modem Info: SIM800 R14.18
15:44:35.261 -> Connecting to APN: [23058] ### Network time and time zone updated.
15:44:41.898 -> [23058] ### Daylight savings time state updated.
15:44:43.663 -> [24849] ### Network time zone updated.
15:44:43.663 -> [24855] ### Network time and time zone updated.
15:44:43.713 -> [24855] ### Daylight savings time state updated.
15:44:44.599 -> OK
15:44:44.644 -> GPRS connected
15:44:44.644 -> === MQTT NOT CONNECTED ===
15:44:44.644 -> Connecting to[35147] ### Closed: 0
15:45:01.423 -> fail

#define TINY_GSM_MODEM_SIM800 // Modem is SIM800L

// Set serial for debug console (to the Serial Monitor, default speed 115200)
#define SerialMon Serial
// Set serial for AT commands
#define SerialAT Serial1

// Define the serial console for debug prints, if needed
#define TINY_GSM_DEBUG SerialMon

// set GSM PIN, if any
#define GSM_PIN ""

// Your GPRS credentials, if any
const char apn[] = ""; // APN (example: use
const char gprsUser[] = "";
const char gprsPass[] = "";

// SIM card PIN (leave empty, if not defined)
const char simPIN[] = "";

// MQTT details
//const char* broker = ""; // Public IP address or domain name
//const char* topicTemperature = "esp/test";

const char* broker = "";
const char* mqtt_user = "";
const char* mqtt_pass = "SharedAccessSignature";

const char* topicTemperature = "esp/test";

// Define the serial console for debug prints, if needed

#include <Wire.h>
#include <TinyGsmClient.h>

#include <StreamDebugger.h>
StreamDebugger debugger(SerialAT, SerialMon);
TinyGsm modem(debugger);
TinyGsm modem(SerialAT);

#include <PubSubClient.h>

TinyGsmClient client(modem);
PubSubClient mqtt(client);

// TTGO T-Call pins
#define MODEM_RST 5
#define MODEM_PWKEY 4
#define MODEM_POWER_ON 23
#define MODEM_TX 27
#define MODEM_RX 26
#define I2C_SDA 21
#define I2C_SCL 22

// BME280 pins
#define I2C_SDA_2 18
#define I2C_SCL_2 19

#define OUTPUT_1 2
#define OUTPUT_2 15

uint32_t lastReconnectAttempt = 0;

float temperature = 0;

long lastMsg = 0;

void mqttCallback(char* topic, byte* message, unsigned int len) {
Serial.print("Message arrived on topic: ");
Serial.print(". Message: ");
String messageTemp;

for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
messageTemp += (char)message[i];

boolean mqttConnect() {
SerialMon.print("Connecting to ");

// Connect to MQTT Broker without username and password
// boolean status = mqtt.connect("GsmClientN");

// Or, if you want to authenticate MQTT:
boolean status = mqtt.connect("GsmClientN", mqtt_user, mqtt_pass);

if (status == false) {
SerialMon.println(" fail");
return false;
SerialMon.println(" success");

return mqtt.connected();

void setup() {
// Set console baud rate

// Start I2C communication

// Set GSM module baud rate and UART pins
SerialAT.begin(115200, SERIAL_8N1, 33, 25);

// Restart takes quite some time
// To skip it, call init() instead of restart()
SerialMon.println("Initializing modem...");
// modem.init();

String modemInfo = modem.getModemInfo();
SerialMon.print("Modem Info: ");

// Unlock your SIM card with a PIN if needed
if ( GSM_PIN && modem.getSimStatus() != 3 ) {

SerialMon.print("Connecting to APN: ");
if (!modem.gprsConnect(apn, gprsUser, gprsPass)) {
SerialMon.println(" fail");
else {
SerialMon.println(" OK");

if (modem.isGprsConnected()) {
SerialMon.println("GPRS connected");

// MQTT Broker setup
mqtt.setServer(broker, 8883);

void loop() {
if (!mqtt.connected()) {
SerialMon.println("=== MQTT NOT CONNECTED ===");
// Reconnect every 10 seconds
uint32_t t = millis();
if (t - lastReconnectAttempt > 10000L) {
lastReconnectAttempt = t;
if (mqttConnect()) {
lastReconnectAttempt = 0;

long now = millis();
if (now - lastMsg > 30000) {
lastMsg = now;

Serial.print("Temperature: ");
mqtt.publish(topicTemperature, "HELLO");



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