I'm new to Arduino, and I've completed the course of "Getting started to arduino", also I'm really dumb in electorinics itself compared to my soft development experience.
I want to connect my SM5100B to Arduino (mega). And I cannot find the correct and detailed information, how to proceed.
What pins should I connect?
Please, advice me the literature which can help me to understand manuals for such devices, because I've read the manual for SM5100B 3 times and haven't understood the scheme of connection.
My first aim is to send an SMS via Arduino and SM5100B.
I've found some topics in this forum, which are devoted to cellular shield based on this board.... but they don't tell me the question on my basic question of connecting this device to arduino... They solve much more complex programs (AT commands, etc.)
Looking at the PDF file, from your link: http://www.cutedigi.com/pub/GPRS/LinkSprite_GSM_GPRS.pdf
The GSM module has two serial interface, UART 0 and UART 1, the UART 0 => (pin19 TXD0) and (pin20 RXD0) there is also hardware flow control that you can see at (PDF page 19, UART Interface) and the UART 1 => (pin46 TX1) and (pin43 RX1), UART 1 has no flow control. You can use UART 0 or UART 1 to connect to Ardunio.
Connecting to Arduino:
You have to connect (GSM module TXD) to (Arduino RXD) and (GSM module RXD) to (Arduino TXD) and ground from GSM module to Arduino's ground (-minus to -minus)
Sending SMS is another matter, you have to use AT command, which you may already know that.
The setup part is basicly for for initialization, but you could us it to just have youre code run once everytime the arduino is powered up or reset.
Normaly you would have that code in the loop and have some king of trigger.
i.e. if digitalpin1 == 1 then send sms.