I already found (and used) this code here. It works pretty well but its not really reliable. I get the following output in the console as I press a few button.
The -1 shows the error. So, how can I fix that? Im using a TSOP31238 directly connected to Pin 11 on my Arduino. Should I put a capacitor into the supply chain? Which size 1uF?
EDIT: Its working properly! just put a 16pf Capacitor between Vcc and Gnd
Maybe the pulse lengths are too close to the limits. Run this sketch to see what values you are getting:
int ir_pin = 11; //Sensor pin 1 wired through a 220 ohm resistor
int led_pin = 13; //"Ready to Recieve" flag, not needed but nice
//int debug = 1; //Serial connection must be started to debug
int start_bit = 2000; //Start bit threshold (Microseconds)
void setup() {
pinMode(led_pin, OUTPUT); //This shows when we're ready to receive
pinMode(ir_pin, INPUT);
digitalWrite(led_pin, LOW); //not ready yet
void loop() {
int data[31];
digitalWrite(led_pin, HIGH); //Ok, i'm ready to recieve
while(pulseIn(ir_pin, HIGH) < start_bit) { //Wait for a start bit
for(int i=0;i<31;i++) {
data[i] = pulseIn(ir_pin, HIGH); //Start measuring bits, I only want high pulses
digitalWrite(led_pin, LOW);
for(int i=0;i<31;i++) {
Serial.print(" ");