My Problem: I ask with a sketch about the coordinates Latitude and a second sketch about the road maps and location. Now would be one of these two sketches made ??(2 different server IPs and URLs), can someone help me there? The goal is to display updated every 10 minutes by road and the location on the LCD which depends on the Arduino Mega + Eth + LCD. The sketches are attached. Thank you ...
It would take too much modification to your sketches. This sketch is better for that kind of stuff. It has all the error checking that I know of.
// change/add these to global variables with the correct ip addresses.
IPAddress serverOne(1,2,3,4);
IPAddress serverTwo(2,3,4,5);
// then in loop, modify first call to getPage() and add the second call to getPage()
// send request to serverOne
if(!getPage(serverOne,serverPort,pageAdd)) Serial.print(F("Fail server one"));
else Serial.print(F("Pass server one"));
// add this to loop after the function call above
// Modify next line to load different page
// or pass values to serverTwo
// send request to serverTwo
if(!getPage(serverTwo,serverPort,pageAdd)) Serial.print(F("Fail server two"));
else Serial.print(F("Pass server two"));