Hi, I am trying the Arduino Cloud and uploaded the sample sketch for my simple Property (ArduinoCloudThing). I did not change anything in the sample sketch.
However I am still getting only $subject.
I have Yun running latest firmware, not Yun shield. It is connected to internet, I checked by pinging in SSH.
First I thought it was because version 1.5.3.
I updated to 1.6.2 following https://www.arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/YunSysupgrade but bricked the Yun.
Later recovered with https://www.arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/YunUBootReflash
Now I have u-Boot 1.1.5-linino-gc0f42dd0 (Jul 9 2016 - 12:23:30), Kernel 3.18.11 #1 Sat Jul 9 16:29:39 CEST 2016 mips GNU/Linux, and LininoIO chaos_calmer 2.0.
But still can't connect
You can load the library directly from Arduino IDE instead of Github, and it includes an example for Yun (with Bridge). It's not a full spec MQTT implementation but got me working in the shortest time.