Connecting two servos to the Arduino

Hi guys. I need your help again. I know this is going to sould a little basic but I need info on how to connect two servo motors to the Arduino UNO.

As they are 9g microservos I want to power them directly from the Arduino with no external power supply.

Can someone send me a link or pics on how to do the wiring on the breadboard?


Have you done it with one servo yet? That would be a good start.

Once you have one servo connected, the red and black wires connect to the same places and the signal wire connects to a different digital pin.

Hi John,

Yes, I have connected one servo to the Arduino UNO following these instructions:

The only mod was that I didn´t connect the yellow cable to Analog 0 but to digital pin 9 instead. It works fine.

But when I try to attach the second servo there is only one 5v pin in Arduino, so I can't connect it directly. I need to do some kind of circuit using the breadbord right?

Thanks for your help!

Yes, you can run a wire from the Arduin 5V pin to a column of five holes on the breadboard. Then run your red wires to two of the four empty holes.

I have finally done it. I followed your instructions John and now I can power the two servos from the Adruino. Is a real breakthrough for me. Thanks for the help!

Can this be done without using a breadboard?

Can this be done without using a breadboard?

Of course.

Thanks, can you tell me how? :slight_smile:

On the Uno you have two 5V pins, the one labeled with 5V and SPI header 2:

A Due has 3 pins labeled 5V and SPI header 2.

And finally you can use this self-made solution:

You can argue that this is a 3x1 breadboard, but its easy to make, and extend if you need more.

I found (super) mini breadboards (5x5) that are not too big to add to whatever you have.
Here are 7 for less than 1$:

I typically saw off the two knobs and superglue the board where I need it.


But there are a couple of things to be careful about. What are you powering the Arduino from and how much power can it deliver ? How big/powerful are your servos ? Some take a lot more power than it's safe to take from an Arduino, particularly if you're powering that via the onboard regulator which can't reasonably be expected to deliver more than about 5-600mA.


As they are 9g microservos I want to power them directly from the Arduino with no external power supply.

According to this even a 9g servo can draw the best part of an amp at stall.

Putting in my 2 cents here, the SG90 servo motors can draw up to an amp at peak but you must remember that they pull the most (when there's no resistance) when staying still, this can easily be solved by using a supply of 6v to the motors in batteries (they will supply as many amps as needed to a certain point, they just drain faster) and you don't have to worry about over powering through the arduino or pulling too much, I know the arduino can run 3 SG90's no problem as long as youre not putting so much force on them that they stall, you'll know if you stall because the lights on the board will dim, die and the Uno will disconnect from the computer. Back to the batteries; 4 AA's can run 12 SG90's from my experience, I haven't tried with more but IDK why anyone would need to use more than 12 and youd need more pins like in a Mega instead of a Uno, posing more issues. Just thought you guys would want some more info, best of luck!

you'll know if you stall because the lights on the board will dim, die and the Uno will disconnect from the computer.

Are you one of those guys who torques his cylinder head till the threads strip, then back it off a tad?

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Are you one of those guys who torques his cylinder head till the threads strip, then back it off a tad?

No I just like learning, even if it means a couple things go bad in the process. Not like it hurts anyone besides my bank.