I want to connect a usb fingerprint scanner to esp8266 and want to send data to android app is that possible?
I only know that esp8266 01 model has an inbuilt microcontroller so i want to send biometric data to android app either device acting as Access point.
How can i do that what all hardware is required?
For example esp8266 module operates on 3.3V charge so i want my IoT device to be battery powered so what other hardware i require to convert higher voltage to esp8266 suitable voltage ?
Plss help it is first arduino project with no knowledge.
I'd guess you can connect your finger print scanner to the USB adapter you also use for programming your ESP-01 (but not at the same time). Your EPS-01 indeed takes 3.3V, whether your finger print scanner works at that voltage you have to try, or check its spec sheet.
If your input is 5V then just add a regulator like the LM1117-3.3 for the ESP. If you want to go from 3.3 to 5V you need a voltage booster, like a buck converter.
Even better, look for a finger print scanner that operates at 3.3V and can connect directly to your ESP-01, e.g. using an I2C bus.
I am thinking to connect esp8266 to usb to serial converter and as i got to know that usb to serial converter implicitly converts 5v input to 3.3v now my question is how i connect usb fingerprint scanner to esp8266 which is connected to usb to serial connector?
So i connect esp8266 to usb to serial connector which has only one usb port if i connect fingerprint scanner to that usb port how i will be able to program the esp8266 and test the scanner and how it will get connections to program
If i connect esp8266 through usb to program it then how i connect fingerprint scanner to it to verify the fingerprints??
Well, probably the answer is to your original question is "not". Unless the ESP8266 can act as USB host (like your PC would), and can handle all the maths that's needed to interpret the finger print scans, and a way to store and retrieve finger prints. You'll likely also have to figure out how it all works and then implement it in software, as a quick search on that device with Arduino came up totally empty.
For your other issues: of course you only connect your device to USB to program it, when that's done you can connect something else to it, no need to connect it to your computer for that.
To get it to an app: ESP connects to WiFi, runs its built in web server, your app connects to the server and downloads the scanned finger print. Web server is built in into the ESP (a quick Google search will give you lots of examples). And then all that's left is the Android part which is out of scope of this forum.