Dear all.

Can some share me the circuit diagram for Connecting The 4X4 keypad and 16X2 Lcd Interfacing With Arduino Board. Is there any external Driver circuit Needed for Interfacing.
How many Being acquired. i checked link but could not able to find proper connection


You can try the keypad tutorial on the Arduino Playground. It should help you identify all the pins on your keypad. You can find it here:

It should work with the sketch you are using. Just make sure you use the same pin numbers as shown in the sketch. Or change the following lines to match the Arduino pin numbers you want to use.

const byte row1=3; //keypad row pins, shared with the lcd data lines
const byte row2=4;
const byte row3=5;
const byte row4=6;
const byte col1=7; //keypad column lines
const byte col2=8;
const byte col3=9;
const byte col4=10;

Dear all, I have made connection as per circuit diagram , The LCD is not even blinking Here, Is above connetion is correct or extra driver to be added . any procedure to check LCD working fine or not.