Connection missing for the chip

Hi guys,
I am a fresh Arduino enthusiast
I was planning to make something cool and exciting, so, I decided to make a receiver, however,
When I wired my Arduino with the chip it just refused to connect,

All pins I checked hundreds of times and switched them back and forth, however, nothing helped.

I wonder what you mean by "the famous Serial.available() = 0" problem.

Check that the baud rate is correct for your GPS module, that RX and TX are correctly assigned, and that you are outdoors, with a clear view of the sky. There is usually no need to connect TX from the Arduino to RX of the GPS module.

You can try this GPS echo program to see raw GPS output, and determine how many satellites are in view:

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

SoftwareSerial mySerial(10, 11); //GPS (RX, TX) check correct pin assignments and baud rate

void setup() {
  Serial.println("GPS start");

void loop() {
  while (mySerial.available()) {

This baudrate is told for NEO6-M GPS but it's wrong! Default is 9600! Try that for Your device!

What jremington wrote is be important to note. Some units will not produce data until they are seeing enough satellites.

This is what I get when I switch to 9600, I tried it

Thank you, sir
This looks promising but still not the one I am after :slight_smile:

I don't know how long should I be outside, however I stayed like 10-15 minutes and it's the same

Are you in a jungle or in Manhattan?

That is sometimes normal. Is the sky available? Else it can take even more time. How many satellites did the unit sense?

If I catch few satellites then we might find out where I am atm :smiley:

static const int RXPin = 4, TXPin = 3;

SoftwareSerial ss(RXPin, TXPin);


ss.available prints 63

Know that the GPS spits out data all the time. Therefore the code should read and decode as often as possible. Loosing data due to buffer overflow makes it all worse.
Is there any example code available that You can look at? My NEO6-M has a fantastic example code showing the syntax for selecting the variables wanted. The number of satellites is interesting as some variables need several satellites to give good data.

To me, it looks exclusively like a reception problem.

OP, do you know what those $GPxxxxx sentences mean ?
Understanding those will help you a lot.

Currently your receiver is only ‘seeing’ one satellite… not enough for even 2D positioning.

You aim for three or more satellites in view for anything like reliable position data. Typically six or more.

Does your receiver have a separate antenna?
Did you plug it in?
(I confess I've never heard of this famous problem)

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Right, things like that.

Thank you all guys, very friendly community !!
But this BN-880 is a piece of metal and nothing more ... I need something more than that.

You may need an antenna. Post a photo of the setup and a link to the product page.

This is exactly what I was looking at right now,
However apparently BTN-880 has an active antenna, unfortunately, I am not good at this so I need to find a step by step example .... :frowning:
Thank you

Thank you

There are some tutorials on line for that or similar modules. One example: Using GPS Modules with Arduino & Raspberry Pi | DroneBot Workshop

Search for "Arduino gps bn 880" to find others.

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