Connections between pcf8593 and arduino

I intend to use this ic, pcf8593, as an event counter for arduino (the specific reasons do not seem to me relevant to the question).
Before doing the actual thing, I tried to detect the ic i2c addres with a standard "i2c scan" code for ardunio, but neither my arduinos can detect the ic.
I am only connecting the power (vdd and vss pins) and the i2c pins (sda and scl). I am currently using 10k pull-up resistors.
Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
Datasheet is attached under the name "datasheet (4)"

Thanks for the attention

datasheet (4).pdf (140 KB)

Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?

No because you have not told us what you are doing. Your general word description doesn't sound wrong as far as it goes but if that is all you have done then you have not done enough.

For example what have you connected the ~Reset line to? Have you got a crystal connected to pins 1 & 2?

A schematic and a photograph of your attempt at realising the schematic would give us something to go on.

the specific reasons do not seem to me relevant to the question

Often these can reveal things that you have wrong that you don't even consider you have wrong, or maybe it will help us to find a better way to do what you want to do. If you knew all that you woud't be asking a question here would you?

Turns out reset pin needs a low pulse at start

the specific reasons do not seem to me relevant to the question

I am curious what event counter functions this chip offers that the TC1 input of the Arduino does not.