const int OnMin1 = 46;
const int OnHour1 = 17;
const int OnDay1 = 16;
const int OnMonth1 = 12;
const int OnYear1 = 2017;
I am using this to call time in my sketch to turn relay on and off. Can you use && or something else to call more than one hour in the const int OnHour1 = 17;18,19,20 or 17&& 18&& 19&&. Can you do this? or how can you do this? Thanks again for the help
const int OnMin1 = 46;
const int OnHour1 = 17;
const int OnDay1 = 16;
const int OnMonth1 = 12;
const int OnYear1 = 2017;
const int OffMin1 = 47;
const int OffHour1 = 17;
const int OffDay1 = 16;
const int OffMonth1 = 12;
const int OffYear1 = 2017
I don't understand , tell me exactly what you want to do.
const int OnHour1 = 17; The relay comes on in the 17th hour of a 34 hour day. What I want to do is have it read
const int OnHour1 = 17,18,19,20; So the relay comes on at the 17th hour and the 18th hour and the 19th hour and so on. All my triggers are in the const int