Hi, I'm working on a coaster for new year's that will blink after 20 minutes if the person didn't drink. The problem is, my code can't detect the button constantly, it only sees it when pressed. My code here has the delay shortened to 20 seconds for testing:
int ledPin=5;
int scale=6;
const int buttonPin = 2;
int buttonPushCounter = 0;
int buttonState = 0;
int lastButtonState = 0;
void setup() {
pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT);
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
buttonState = digitalRead(buttonPin);
if (buttonState == HIGH) {
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
} else {
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
If button == HIGH ist detected start delaying.
You can imagine this as the microcontroller beeing on vacation on the other side of the earth / not at home / can't answer can't even open the door.
or imagine the microcontroller beeing unconcious.
If you want your microcontroller do wait and be full concious there is no way around non-blocking timing based on function millis().
But first of all post an explanation of each step of the functionality you want to have.
write the description in normal words.
If you shout at Alexa "Alexa ! make my dreams come true!" but nothing happens
There is no way around a clear and detailed analysis of the functionality you want to have.
Any too short descriptions just consume extra time for reading a ask-back-posting and writing an answer-back-posting.
So do yourself a favor and take time for a detailed description.
User takes glas off the coaster before timelimit is reached what should your code do? describe it in normal words
glas stays on coaster for a long time.
timelimit is reached what shall your code do? describe it in normal words.
user takes glas off the coaster after timelimit was reached - what shall your code do?
describe it in normal words
Essentially the user puts the mug on, forgets about it, and after a time it starts flashing to remind them to drink. The exact circuitry doesn't matter because it worked, all that matters is that pin2 reads it with high is on low is off
If {glass is on start to wait some amount of time
If during time glass it taken off, restart
}{Else if continue timer and start flashing led at the end a certain number of time
If you want i can write it normally.
Object coaster with button on it. When a mug is placed on it, the button is activated. When the button is activated, if after, say, twenty minutes the mug was not lifted off, it will start blinking intermittently to remind the person to drink, until they take the mug off. If they take it off before the timer runs out, the light doesn't flash and just restarts the timer. My problem is on the first step, checking wether or not it was lifted continuously, which in the code is the delay(20000)
First things first. How is your button wired? You are configuring it as INPUT which implies you have a pull-up or pull-down resistor. Your code implies you have a pull-up resistor. If you do, you can eliminate the resistor by configuring the pin as INPUT_PULLUP to use the internal pull-up resistor.
and you have a sequence of steps
This is a classical case for a programming-technique called state-machine
a state-machine reduces the number of if-conditions you have to check
You will need some time to understand the concept of state-machines
the alternative is to add a lot more if-conditions with boolean variables to achieve the same behaviour.
Once you have understood the concept of state-machines it becomes very easy
the state-machine is initialised to a state "startTimer"
if mug is placed on coaster (IO-pin-signal HIGH) // this is even the case on power-up
myActualState = startTimer
inside state "startTimer" the time-measuring is started
previousMillis = currentMillis and the state-variable gets immediately assigned the next statevalue
actual State = measureTime
in state measureTime you check two things:
if 20 minutes are over or not
if 20 minutes are over you assign a boolean variable blinkLED = true
if mug is taken off the coaster (IO-pin == LOW)
if (IO-pin == LOW)
actualState = "waitForMugPlacedAgain"
blinkLED = false
in state "waitForMugPlacedAgain"
check if mug is placed back on the coaster
if ((IO-pin == HIGH)
actualState = startTimer
is called everytime
if (blinkLED == true)
code that makes what the name says
Has the OP looked into millis()? millis() is a way to count time.
unsigned long TimeToBlinky = 1200*(60*1000);
unsigned long LastTimeDrink = millis();
if (millis()-TimeToBlinky >= LastTimeDrink)
Do the LED blinky thingy
if ( tookdrinkSwitch==DrinkTook )
Stop the LED Blinky
LastTimeDrink = millis();
millis() and delay do not work well together but by using millis() the CPU is not put to NOP and can respond to the lifting and setting down of the drink glass.
Search on this site for things like doing multiple things at the same time and you might look into implementing a state machine for this project.
aalso to answer your question it is a button, with the pin on input one one side with ground(in series with a resistor) and 5 volts on the other side if i remember correctly
This is a demo-code that shows the principle of a state-machine.
This example has not exact your functionality. After looking at this example ask as many questions as you like. I'm interested in improving the explanation to become easier to understand.