I had an idear about using a arduino to control a electrolysis hair remover.
Unfortunally i only have like basic skills within electronics and even worse i do not have any coding skills at all.
My hope is that i can find support in here from people who have the skills needed and also have heart and time to guide me thru this project.
I have a diagram (Attached) of a working setup that is manual controlled and i do not think that it is a constant current setup.
I am think that it could be possible to change the two potmeters with either DAC or digital potmeters and let the arduino control the CC by changing the voltage after the user have set the miliamps. I am not sure but maybe there also need to be some kind of feedback to the arduino since the load might change after each penetration of the hair folicle or even changing resistance all after the heating in the skin.
It would be fantastic with a touch screen were the user can set the power(miliamps) and set/reset a counter that counts treated hair, also there need to be a adjustable timer from 0 to 30 seconds. The screen should show voltage, miliamps (maybe a scale from 1 to 10), the timers countdown, and amount of "shots".
Maybe the schematic it not the best solution so i am open to suggestions.
I think the setup is good enough if it works within 0-20v and 0-3miliamp.
I really hope for help cause buying a ready made machine is way to expensive for my wallet and yes i know i ask a lot since i don´t have the needed skills my self and have to relay on you guys
Might be a lot of mis spelling since english is not my native language, so sorry for that..
With more experience, I think you will realize you want LIMITED current, not constant current. An open circuit with constant current means you have infinite high voltage on that circuit.
That sounds like the perfect recipe for doing serious injury to yourself or someone else.
Put this project to one side until you have good electronics skills and good coding skills.
I am not afraid of injury. I already build the manual type you can see in the attachment. The schematic is a bit changed dogh because I removed a timer circuit and a led indicating on status.
I am not a total novice within electronics but far from an expert so others insight would help full. I was hoping that someone could help me with the coding and arduino setup, but maybe my hopes were to optimistic. Yes I could read and watch tutorials but it would take a lot of time before I could code it my self. Well I still hope someone will apere and offer some help.
Thanks for your warnings dogh.
With more experience, I think you will realize you want LIMITED current, not constant current. An open circuit with constant current means you have infinite high voltage on that circuit.
HI Paul. In the schematic attached there is a limit on the miliamp and my thoughts were just to use two digipots, one to set the miliamp on the arduino screen and then have arduino to control the other pot meter to adjust the voltage to keep the same power on the needle according to the resistance over probe and anode. Now my electronics skills lacks were I get to the issue whether I need a feedback and how to incorporate it to the diagram.