hello, can you help me manage a linear solenoid controlled by keyboard in arduino one please is an important project and I need your help ...
Nobody here is going to contact you be email and it is not a good idea to post your email address in a public Forum.
The Title of your Topic should summarise your question - for example "Help to control solenoid with keyboard". If you modify your Original Post you can change the Title.
If you just want someone to write a program for you please ask in the Gigs and Collaborations section of the Forum and be prepared to pay.
If you want to learn to program yourself the examples that come with the Arduino IDE are a good place to start. They probably cover all the techniques you will need. There are also many online tutorials. Also see the Useful Links Thread.
If you already have a program that is not doing what you want then please post the program that represents your best attempt and tell us in detail what it actually does and what you want it to do that is different. It will make it much easier to focus on the parts you need help with rather than wasting time on things that you can do.
Also post links to the datasheets for the devices you want to use with your Arduino.
PS ... please take a few minutes to read How to use the forum