Continually variable output?


I just have a question about arduino capability.

Is it possible to read 2 analog inputs, then based on an algorithm, perfom continually variable output?

yes that's not a problem

perfom continually variable output?

What does continuous mean?

What sort of output ?


Reading two values is going to take time. Not much, but "continuously" is meaningless in terms of reading the data.

Using the results to change the duty cycle of a square wave, which is the only kind of variable output that the Arduino can do, is trivial. But, look at the square wave. The only thing continuous about it is that it keeps changing.

More details are certainly needed.


Using the results to change the duty cycle of a square wave, which is the only kind of variable output that the Arduino

The UNO has no analog output, but the DUE does, 0 to 3.3V.

Tom.... :slight_smile: