continuous servo stop position changing because of heat


i converted a normal servo motor to continious servo motor witn two 2.2k ohm resistors but it wont stop.

i believe that heat couses this problem. the value i found to stop servo (1590ms) is changin after one hour( 1610ms).

the value is always changing so it is impossible to stop srvo at proper position.

here is the code:

#include <Servo.h>
Servo Servo1;
void setup() {


void loop() {


Add a DS1820?

Add a DS1820?

the heat may not be relevent with this. it is just wild guess. i couldn't think anything else.

I've never used the resistors as I always keep the existing pot so I can tweak it if needed. You might try better quality resistor with tighter tolerances. The fall back solution might be to use the servo detach and attach when the servo needs to be stopped/started.