Control 2 motors with 2 potentiometers on PID

First time posting here usually have found my solution by searching but nothing is coming up quite right.

Like the subject says I am trying to control 2 motors (actually will be a hydraulic control coil but motors work for testing purposes) via 2 potentiometers (POT) and the whole system is watching 2 geartooth sensors running through a somewhat PID setup. I have the motors turning on when I turn the POT and have a gear which they spin and the sensor reads the teeth and adjusts the motor speed to match what I have the POT set at. The whole system functions properly when everything is hooked up. The issue I have is that if the sensors are not hooked up and I turn the POT up and back down the motor keeps running, this is very bad for the final use of this setup. If I turn the other POT up after the first was put back to 0 the first motor stops and the second runs and continues when the second POT is turned down, the reverse happens too. I need to be able to shut the motor off via turning the knob all the way down if I loose a connection.

Below is the code I am running and having the issue with.

int driveLa = 8;
int driveLb = 11;
int driveRa = 12;
int driveRb = 13;
int driveLspeed = 9;
int driveRspeed = 10;
int potL = 0;
int potR = 1;

int PWM_valL = 0;
int speed_reqL = 0;                            // speed (Set Point)
int speed_actL = 0;                            // speed (actual value)
float KpL =   4;                              // PID proportional control Gain
float KdL =    1;                             // PID Derivitave control gain

int PWM_valR = 0;
int speed_reqR = 0;                            // speed (Set Point)
int speed_actR = 0;                            // speed (actual value)
float KpR =   4;                              // PID proportional control Gain
float KdR =    1;                             // PID Derivitave control gain

 volatile byte half_revolutionsL;
 unsigned int rpmL;
 unsigned long timeoldL;
  volatile byte half_revolutionsR;
  unsigned int rpmR;
  unsigned long timeoldR;
 void setup()
    pinMode(driveLa, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(driveLb, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(driveRa, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(driveRb, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(driveLspeed, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(driveRspeed, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(potL, INPUT);
    pinMode(potR, INPUT);
   attachInterrupt(0, rpm_funL, CHANGE);
   half_revolutionsL = 0;
   rpmL = 0;
   timeoldL = 0;
   attachInterrupt(1, rpm_funR, CHANGE);
   half_revolutionsR = 0;
   rpmR = 0;
   timeoldR = 0;
 void loop()

   speed_reqL = analogRead(potL);
       {   PWM_valL= updatePid(PWM_valL, speed_reqL, rpmL);                        // compute PWM value
   if (half_revolutionsL >= 10) { 
     //Update RPM every 10 counts, increase this for better RPM resolution,
     //decrease for faster update
     rpmL = 1*1000/(millis() - timeoldL)*half_revolutionsL;
     timeoldL = millis();
     half_revolutionsL = 0;
    //PWM_valL= updatePid(PWM_valL, speed_reqL, rpmL);                        // compute PWM value
   speed_reqR = analogRead(potR);
     {   PWM_valR= updatePid(PWM_valR, speed_reqR, rpmR);  
       analogWrite(driveRspeed,PWM_valR); }
   if (half_revolutionsR >= 10) { 
     //Update RPM every 10 counts, increase this for better RPM resolution,
     //decrease for faster update
     rpmR = 1*1000/(millis() - timeoldR)*half_revolutionsR;
     timeoldR = millis();
     half_revolutionsR = 0;
     //PWM_valR= updatePid(PWM_valR, speed_reqR, rpmR);                        // compute PWM value
    Serial.print("SP:");             Serial.print(speed_reqL); 
    Serial.print("     PWM:");          Serial.print(PWM_valL);
    Serial.print("     RPM:");          Serial.print(rpmL,DEC);
    Serial.print("SP:");             Serial.print(speed_reqR); 
    Serial.print("     PWM:");          Serial.print(PWM_valR);
    Serial.print("     RPM:");          Serial.println(rpmR,DEC);
 } // end void loop ()
 int updatePid(int commandL, int targetValueL, int currentValueL)   {             // compute PWM value
float pidTermL = 0;                                                            // PID correction
int errorL=0;                                  
static int last_errorL=0;                             
  errorL = abs(targetValueL) - abs(currentValueL); 
  pidTermL = (KpL * errorL) + (KdL * (errorL - last_errorL));                            
  last_errorL = errorL;
  return constrain(commandL + int(pidTermL), 0, 255);

 int updatePidR(int commandR, int targetValueR, int currentValueR)   {             // compute PWM value
float pidTermR = 0;                                                            // PID correction
int errorR=0;                                  
static int last_errorR=0;                             
  errorR = abs(targetValueR) - abs(currentValueR); 
  pidTermR = (KpR * errorR) + (KdR * (errorR - last_errorR));                            
  last_errorR = errorR;
  return constrain(commandR + int(pidTermR), 0, 255);
 void rpm_funL()
   //Each rotation, this interrupt function is run twice
  void rpm_funR()
   //Each rotation, this interrupt function is run twice

The issue I have is that if the sensors are not hooked up

What sensors, I can't see anything in the code that could be considered a sensor.

My approach would be to put in a timeout. If the motors are running and no sensor input is detected within a certain time, shut everything down and issue an error message.

Yes but that only applies if the reading from a sensor when not detected is in some way diffrent from the readings you can normally get from a sensor when it is connected.

Sorry the interrupts are the sensor. Digital port 2 and 3 (interrupt 0 and 1) are where the gear tooth sensors are hooked into. I decided to use the interrupts after looking an an example for an encoder.

Have you tried a pull up resistor on those interrupt sensors?

I am using a 12v sensor so I am using the transistor circuit here

which I believe sets up with a pull up resistor.

One option would be to record the value of the pot in a variable and in your motor control function you should first check that value and if it is the number that corresponds with the pot being at a minimum the motor is turned off, regardless of any other considerations.

Another option would be to set a max interval between interrupts - a little longer than when the motor is running slowly - and if the interval exceeds that switch the motor off immediately.


I think I will implement an interval watch and setup the whole system to shut down if there isn't a reading after a couple seconds. The machine this is going on moves in inches per hour so it has plenty of time to check itself and react.

Currently I am driving 2 DC motors 1 runs about 15000 rpm full power the other runs about 1400RPM full power. The issue I am having if that when I drop my speed the motors pulse a lot, they get down into the set range of where I want them but continuously pulse. When I watch the serial monitor the Arduino is sending 255 or 0, once in a while I see a smaller number but nothing consistent to keep the motor running at a slower speed.