control 4 12v micro motors using the Pololu Dual MAX14870 Motor Driver Shield

i have a bit of a problem, i am a beginner and i need a nuge in the right direction.

i have 4 small 12v micro motors from Pololu, and i want to control them with my Arduino UNO, useing the Pololu Dual MAZ 14870 Motor Driver Shield for Arduino, using PWM.

i was going to use the L298n motor driver, but it is too small, i need at least 2.5A per motor channel, and the Pololu Dual MAZ 14870 Motor Driver Shield gives me that. but now since i changed motor driver from something i knew, to something new, i'm stuck as to how to code my UNO to run this.

anybody want to help me.

From the coding point of view the two drivers work exactly the same. You have lines for on / off direction and enable.

Just wire these to your Arduino and set them high or low as you want. You can apply the PWM to either the enable or the on / off control line.