Control a 500 mA load

Hello everybody, I have been banging my head against a wall trying to figure out a simple circuit to control a 50pm A load with no success. It is simple to say that I am pretty new to arduino.

I have an ultrasonic porcelain disk humidifier that I am trying to control using an arduino Uno. Just a simple on off for a certain amount of time.

My low volt circuit needs 5v which is no problem but it draws almost 500 mA which is way to much for the arduino pins directly.

Anyone know of a simple circuit that could fix my issue. Thanks

Using a MOSFET as a switch I still go back to this reference every time I need to put a MOSFET in a schematic. It's part of a larger tutorial covering all types of transistors.

Another simple way to do it is to buy a motor driver shield. This gives you more control.

The very simplest is a relay shield but I like to use solid-state components instead of mechanical relays.

Thanks, i am already looking into some relay shields. This is my cheapest option.

500mA is within the abilities of a 2N2222 BJT switching transistor - use a base resistor of 150 ohms,
and switch on the low-side (ground side).