Hi guys! i want to control a belimo actuator with a 0-5v pwm of arduino..but the belimo need analog voltage 0-10v! I read some thing about low pass filter. So wich component should i use to get 0-5v pwm to analog 0-10v? I read that i need a 2n2222 to get 0-10v signal and smooth it with a low pass filter. But i don't know wich component value to use for the low pass filter (resistor and capacitor).!
I'm have bad experience with transistor..one day i try to control a 12v dc motor with 5v and i use a 2n2222 transistor and the output was less than 12v..i didn't understand that too..will i get the same problem with belimo?
is there someone with an answer? Thank you very much!
There will be a loss of about .7 volts use a logic level fet like the 2n7000
You shouldn't need a filter on the line most of these can use AC or DC but then most I've seen are 24 volt for HVAC dampers
Well if some one told you you can't walk would you sit in a chair. I wouldn't I would try to walk.
You'll never no if you can or not But if you use a part like what I said the output is going to be good