So I want to build a system that is an LED that is programmed to flash when a certain amount of time has passed. The amount of time will be set by a smart phone and an alarm message will be sent to the phone when the timer goes off. The LED flashes until the system is reset or turned-off.
What is the easiest and cheapest way to do this? Access Wi-Fi and communicate to the electronics through a website and smart phone? I do not have any web programming knowledge. Or much programming knowledge at all. Can someone please help me figure out what would be the best way to complete this project? I would be extremely grateful! If you can help me solve this I would love to somehow repay you. Thanks so much for your time!
Will the phone be close to the Arduino? - if so Bluetooth may be simpler
Either way you will need a suitable program on the SmartPhone to send the message to the Arduino and programming a SmartPhone is outside the scope of this Forum.
If you are using Bluetooth then for the Arduino program have a look at the examples in Serial Input Basics - simple reliable ways to receive data.
One alternative would be to use an ESP8266 (or similar) to control the LED. The ESP8266 would run a web server and operate an access Point (AP mode).
To control the led from the smartphone, you'd simply connect to the WLAN created by the ESP8266 and use the web browser to set the parameters for controlling the led.
I guess this is a programming exercise and you'll have to write a program.
One alternative would be to use an ESP8266 (or similar) to control the LED. The ESP8266 would run a web server and operate an access Point (AP mode).
To control the led from the smartphone, you'd simply connect to the WLAN created by the ESP8266 and use the web browser to set the parameters for controlling the led.
I guess this is a programming exercise and you'll have to write a program.
Can you recommend the easiest way for me to do this? If possible, please provide more information and resources for learning how do do this. I want to make sure I am headed in the right direction from the beginning. Thank you.