Is there a way to turn the backlight on and off either with coding or hardware?
I had a project a couple of years ago using a I2c to connect the LCD and I used something like icdnodisplay. Does that only work with the i2c (not using that this time)
Most 1602 displays implement the 'backlight()' function for this.
Could you post your schematic, not a frizzy thing showing the LCD and the connections to the Arduino. The rest of the circuit would help. Is "icdnodisplay" A mistype, I assume you meant "lcdnodisplay". Just a SWAG but the function you need should be in the LCD library you are using.
I ended up using a pin to switch high side of a transistor that turns off the LCD
The LCD "backpack' includes a transistor to switch the backlight.
If you are not using that, you can control the "1602" backlight directly from an Arduino pin (not an ESP) so long as the LCD module has "R8" as "101" or 100 Ohms which limits the backlight current to 25 mA with which the Arduino can cope. Or an additional series resistor of 220 Ohms or so if the backlight is too bright anyway. You just control either pin 15 or 16.
Ok thanks.
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