Please interpret this question taking into account I have very little knowledge on electronics and arduino.
I have a device with 5 buttons for activating different operations, which I do it manually. I would like to control this buttons with a code according to certain outputs.
The issue is that this device is no longer produced and I only have one that I could try to do that. Therefore, welding conections to the circuit is not my favorite choice. However, this option is still a possibility.
Is there a way/component that I could use to connect to circuit in each "button" and to arduino (to select each one and control) that would do the switch action, that could mimic as if I was manually pressing it?
I have no clue if this a meaningless question or adequate for this forum, but if you could help me on this I would really apreciate it.
Is there a way/component that I could use to connect to circuit in each "button" and to arduino (to select each one and control) that would do the switch action, that could mimic as if I was manually pressing it?
It depends on how the original circuit reads its push buttons.
You may be able to connect the Arduino to an optical isolator and cut the tracks from the original buttons.
As the button here is being used as an output, and to simulate it being pressed you would need to in effect connect two outputs together. This is a big NO NO in electronics unless these outputs are open collector, which the Arduino certainly isn't.
This figures are not from the "exceptional" device I am planing on working with but a previous version of it. The button/circuit is equal.
Sorry those blured photographs are totally useless in determining how the buttons work. If they were sharp however, then they would just be totally useless.
We need to see schematics, either from the original manual or your tracing of the PCB with a continuity meter.
I do not have access to the schematics, just user manual. so no help there.
I just need to know if there is a component that i could add or assemble in the circuit that could be controled via arduino to push the buttons without compromising the circuit or damaging the device.
We really don't have any information on what the buttons do, or even what your device does.
You have "5 buttons for activating different operations". Is that just 5 on/off switches? Yes, an Arduino could likely do that.
You device looks like it may have a screen. Presumably this provides user feedback?
Is this device hardwired to the things it is controlling or is it wireless? Is it battery powered? Do you have any idea of the voltages that might be involved? Is it bigger than a breadbox? Animal, vegetable, or mineral?
Please interpret this question taking into account I have very little knowledge on electronics and arduino.
Are this pic any better?? helps??
So the first thing you need to know is that those photographs tell a person who is very experienced in electronics little to nothing about what you have.
We can not look at a picture of a piece of none trivial hardware and make the sort of deductions you are expecting. Sorry but we just can't. The only thing I can gather from the photograph is that you probably have some sort of scanning matrix of switches. But without plugging it in and making measurements with an oscilloscope there is little more of use we can come up with.