I need your help to make this topic. :~ :~
it is very important to me. hope everyone can instruct the software and hardware. please =( =(
I come from Vietnam hello everyone
Can't really tell what you want to control but how do you plan to interfacr the arduino to powerpoint?
Using arduino and ultrasonic sensors 1 tool to make powerpoint presentations. eg powerpoint flip through other pages or close it ...
Using arduino and ultrasonic sensors 1 tool
You can do that.
to make powerpoint presentations. eg powerpoint flip through other pages or close it ...
Powerpoint runs on your Arduino? I don't think so. You need to send information to an application on the PC that knows how to make Powerpoint do what you want it to do. Yes, you need to write that application.
Presumably you could use a Leonardo to send keystrokes to a PC and control a PowerPoint presentation that way?